Pampa Lodge Donates to Local VFD’s


After their College Scholarships presentation Ceremony Thursday night, May 23rd, Pampa Lodge No. 966 took time to recognize the efforts of three area Volunteer Fire Departments.  

Joining other Lodges in our area in partnership with the Texas Masonic Charities Foundation, Pampa Lodge selected Hoover, Lefors, and McLean Volunteer Fire Departments to share relief aid of $5500.00. On hand to receive the checks were Brian Snapp for Hoover VFD, Derek Jones for McLean VFD and David Sims of Lefors VFD.

Addressing those assembled in the Lodge room, Pampa Mason Curt Farmer began by saying “Last year I was asked to serve on the Grand Lodge of Texas Committee on Masonic Service.  It’s a very new committee just now forming.  We just had our first meeting in April. Our new job is to monitor disasters in the State and to be proactive in aiding Lodges and Masons in the affected areas”. He then added “Little did I know, one of Texas largest wildfire disasters would occur in my own back yard! Literally! And I had no idea my committee’s very first action would be helping the folks who would save my home!” 

Farmer continued, “While the Services Committee focus is helping Lodges and Masons, upon hearing how many local Lodges were wanting to help in their communities, we reached out to Bro. Cody Cockroft, President of the Texas Masonic Charities Foundation for assistance. The Directors of the Charities Foundation readily agreed to match funds among 10 local Lodges in the fire affected areas up to $25,000 dollars, thereby enabling the Lodges in the wildfire area to steward as much as $50,000 dollars back into their communities.”  

In presenting the checks, Farmer spoke personally of his experience.  “It was my good fortune to be protected the night of February 27th by the Hoover Volunteer Fire Department.   Very capable volunteer firemen were in my back yard in Roberts County when the fire rolled across our acreage. Although we lost a barn, its contents and lots of landscaping, the volunteers successfully extinguished a fire in a small detached garage saving it and keeping our home safe from the fire, where it had even burned through the flower bed against the south side of the house!”

He concluded by saying “It is with our deepest gratitude we share $5500 dollars from Pampa Lodge 966 with the Hoover, Lefors and McLean volunteer fire departments.  We hope this contribution will help to repair and replace equipment and help you stay ready and prepared the next time you are called. Thank you for your service to our communities!”

The Smokehouse Creek fire was a record-breaking wildfire, burning more than one million acres of Texas and Oklahoma, becoming the largest wildfire in Texas history. Volunteer Fire Departments across the Panhandle lost thousands of dollars’ worth of assets, with most relying on grants and donations to be able to continue to provide their services.