County Commissioners Meeting


On Friday, June 14, Judge Porter and the Gray County commissioners held their bi-monthly meeting, breezing through the first items on the agenda that included considering the minutes of the previous meeting, considering any line-item transfers, considering any budget amendments, accepting the County Treasurer’s monthly report and accepting the County Clerk’s report: all were approved.

The next item on the agenda was to discuss and consider a new lease agreement for the Courthouse Postage Machine, which was approved.

The next item was to discuss and consider a cellphone-based communication system with the Gray County Sheriff’s Office, in which Chief Deputy JC Skinner addressed the judge and commissioners with the proposal.

The sheriff’s office is currently taking advantage of a 30-day free trial using the cellphone-based communication system that allows them to use their cellphones as scanners to reach dispatch and communicate more effectively with other emergency personnel using the same channel rather than different channels that have to be switched over.

The proposal was for either a 1-year contract or a 3-year contract special that gave one year of free service.

Skinner told the judge and commissioners that everyone really enjoyed the new system and thought it might be a good idea to switch from old radios to their cell phones.

Judge Porter and the commissioners agreed to allow for the 1-year contract in case something were to go wrong and they wouldn’t be under such a lengthy contract, so the 1-year contract was approved.

The next item on the agenda was to discuss and consider the Perry Lefors Residence Contract, which will be pushed to another date after all parties involved in the contract have come to an agreement on the specifics of the contract.

The next item was the consideration of approval for tax bids on the following delinquent properties: 237 Henry for $5,200, 1132 S. Sumner for $10,000 and 901 E. Gordon for $1,000: all were approved.

The next item was to discuss and consider the Gray County Personnel Policy Manual Updates and Changes, and after a few additions and word changes, the manual was approved.

The last item was the discussion and walkthrough with HRO Architects LLC concerning the renovation of the building located at 300 W. Kingsmill.

Two reprentatives of the architect company completed the walkthrough and discussed with Judge Porter and the commissioners what they observed and why they believe they’re the perfect company for the job, citing that because they are a smaller company, their main focus would be solely on the project at hand with no other projects being worked on in the meantime.

Judge Porter told them that he will have the other company, Park Hill, come in to take a tour of the building as well to get their insights and will make a decision in the coming months and how to proceed.

The meeting was then adjourned.